CEO Town Hall cum EMC Gives Back 2024

26 April 2024 | 03:31 PM

We’re thrilled to share highlights from our recent CEO Townhall cum EMC Gives Back 2024 event! From captivating performances by our corporate, freight, and fulfilment teams to heartwarming skits, dance, and soulful singing, it was a celebration of talent and teamwork.

During the event, our CEO provided valuable insights into our group’s history and shared exciting plans for the future. He also took the opportunity to welcome the newer members of the family, and to reward those who have shown dedication and commitment to the company over the last year.

We’re especially proud to announce Carol Fong as the recipient of the Specialist Award, awarded to the employee of the year who embodies our core values. Carol’s exemplary dedication and embodiment of our values have made her a standout member of our team, and we congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition.

We also extend our heartfelt congratulations to Isabelle, our Employee of Quarter 4 2023. As our senior manager and HR Partner, her dedication and leadership continue to inspire us all.

As a finale, the whole company gathered around a birthday cake to celebrate the 22nd birthday of our company, and to record this wonderful milestone together.

A21 CEOTH 2024
Tags: Corporate BrandingCorporate Social ResponsibilityLogistics Events

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